Top 10 Best Presentations Ever
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Unhappy? Self-critical? Maybe you're just a perfectionist
Just about any sports movie, airport paperback or motivational tape delivers a few boilerplate rules for success. Believe in yourself. Don't take no for an answer. Never quit. Don't accept second best.
Above all, be true to yourself.
It's hard to argue with those maxims. They seem self-evident — if not written into the Constitution, then at least part of the cultural water supply that irrigates everything from halftime speeches to corporate lectures to SAT coaching classes.
Yet several recent studies stand as a warning against taking the platitudes of achievement too seriously. The new research focuses on a familiar type, perfectionists, who panic or blow a fuse when things don't turn out just so. The findings not only confirm that such purists are often at risk for mental distress — as Freud, Alfred Adler and countless exasperated parents have long predicted — but also suggest that perfectionism is a valuable lens through which to understand a variety of seemingly unrelated mental difficulties, from depression to compulsive behavior to addiction.
full article here
If you want to see heaven, you have to die yourself
Sparklines - simple and intense
you can read more about sparklines here
Whining world champions
Gilchrist says – T20 is just luck and that India was just lucky (Alan Donald getting run out in the WC 2003 semi final against Australia? What about that Mr Gilchrist)
Andrew Symonds says India doesn’t know how to celebrate ( must be indicating that one should grab the cup and shove out the presenter like they did in during the last champions trophy)
Ponting says India seniors are a liability
Australians would talk tough and if India talks tough – it is not even backyard cricket!
Shane Warne says – this verbal slugfest would spice up the summer. Well it would not be as spicy as his SMS for sure.
Being a champion doesn’t mean winning always – sometime it also involves showing grace when defeated - that Aussie cricket dont have.
More brands under fire- Sweatshop and Much more !
The sweatshop high street - more brands under fireGuardian probe reveals 13p per hour wages behind cheap clothes Karen McVeighMonday September 3, 2007 The Guardian |
Primark, the UK's second biggest clothing retailer, and the Mothercare, the mother and baby shop, were responding to a Guardian investigation into the pay and conditions of workers in Bangalore, India, who supply several high-profile UK and US fashion brands.
The investigation, which follows our report in July in which Primark, Asda and Tesco were accused of breaching international labour standards in Bangladesh, has uncovered a catalogue of allegations of Dickensian pay and conditions in factories owned by exporters who supply clothes to the UK. India's largest ready-made clothing exporter, Gokaldas Export, which supplies brands including Marks & Spencer, Mothercare and H&M, confirmed that wages paid to garment workers were as low as £1.13 for a nine-hour day. This fails to meet their basic needs, according to factory workers and Indian unions and so falls below the minimum international labour standards promised by the Ethical Trading Initiative (ETI), a code of conduct which sets out basic rights for employees across the supply chain. Marks & Spencer is a member of the ETI, as are Mothercare, Gap and Primark.
Garment workers for factories owned by exporters who supply to Gap, Matalan and Primark, told the Guardian they were paid similar wages and regularly forced to work overtime of between six and 18 hours per week. The ETI code states that workers shall not regularly be required to work more than 48 hours per week, that overtime should be voluntary and that it should not exceed 12 hours per week.
Texport Overseas, which supplies Gap and Matalan, denied that workers were forced to do overtime.
Employees of factories owned by exporters who supply Gap and Matalan claimed they were often made to work extra hours without pay to meet unattainable production targets. They claimed the mostly female workforce was harassed and bullied by male production managers and supervisors for not achieving targets and that they were refused time off when ill. One worker claimed that security guards patrolled the toilets, harassing the women inside to get back to work, while the unions said public address systems were used to publicly humiliate and harass workers. Texport Overseas denied there was pressure to meet targets. It said female guards in the toilets were present to ensure "proper security", while the address system was to "coordinate production" and ensure health and safety.
One worker, a tailor who makes clothes for Gap, told the Guardian she was dismissed after being off work for more than 15 days due to illness. Texport Overseas denies this.
Another tailor who makes clothes for H&M, said that when she could not achieve her production targets, the clothes were thrown in her face. She said up to 15 workers a day collapsed and had to be given medical attention. Workers and unions claim the conditions in the factories led to two tragic incidents this year.
In February, a young woman hanged herself in the toilets of one factory, Triangle Apparels, owned by Gokaldas Exports. A report by a number of Indian NGOS alleges that she was verbally sexually harassed and repeatedly refused permission for leave on the day she died.
Jagadamba, 43, the mother of the dead woman, who now looks after her daughter's two sons, Sarti, eight, and Surya, four, told the Guardian that her daughter had only worked at the factory for 20 days, but had been very unhappy there. "She told me, 'They are always shouting at me because I can't meet the targets'."
Gokaldas denies that she was verbally sexually harassed. Triangle is not one of the factories supplying Marks & Spencer or Mothercare.
A month later, a nine-month pregnant woman from Shalina Creations, a factory supplying Gap, went into labour at work and subsequently lost her baby. Rathnamma, 27, a mother of two, claimed that she was refused immediate leave on March 29 this year, after going into labour. When she asked to go home, the production manager made her fill in forms that took an hour and a half, she said. "I was in such pain, I could hardly stand up."
When she finally made it outside the factory gates, she collapsed, she said, and gave birth to the baby in the street. A passerby helped her into an auto ricksaw, but when she got home, she discovered the baby was dead. Rathnamma, who has returned to work after being given paid leave for three months, said: "I feel angry. They gave me money, but nothing will bring the baby back. But I need the job. If I have no job, I have no food."
Gap representatives in the US did not dispute her allegations. However, a Gap representative in India denied that she was refused immediate leave, said that she gave birth in a rickshaw, and not on the street, and claimed the baby died when it slipped from her grasp.
KP Gopinath, the director of Cividep, an Indian workers' rights group, said: "When we speak to the workers, they tell us all they want is to be treated like human beings. They need a living wage to live in dignity, to get running water, to get a better education for their children."
He said a report by the Garment and Textile Workers union estimated a living wage in Bangalore to be at least £2.50 per day.
John Hilary from War on Want, said: "Exploitation of workers in developing countries such as India is standard practice for British retailers right across the spectrum. This just underlines the urgent need for Gordon Brown to step in now and stop these abuses once and for all."
A spokesman for Primark said that it took the allegations "very seriously".
He added that it had initiated immediate audits of all supplier premises and would re-audit to ensure compliance if necessary.
Mothercare also said it took the allegations seriously and would re-audit its two factories in India.
H&M said the harassment and forced overtime alleged was "unacceptable" and it would forward the complaints to its suppliers. It said it required suppliers to pay a legal minimum wage.
A statement from Gap said it regularly monitored suppliers, and had recently experienced a "number of compliance violations at factories in the Indian subcontinent region", and would work to resolve the issues.
A spokesman for Marks & Spencer said the two Gokaldas factories it used paid the legal minimum wage in India, as "there is no legal or industry-agreed" definition of a living wage. It added that it was working to "better understand this complex area".
Matalan said its suppliers paid above the minimum wage for Bangalore. Two compliance audits carried out on Texport Overseas in the past two years had found no record of forced overtime.,,2161302,00.htmlPrompt your Creativity
Link :
Its Not Luck !
Monsoon Reading
' Where the rain is born' - writings about Kerala - Edited By Anita Nair
Penguin books
Breaking & Entering -
Google - Mapping Progress ahead
and you can make out - places, roads and plots. Now this is a handy tool if you are planing to buy land in India. ( real estate guys should utilise this in their ppts !. For OOH marketers this lets you plan OOH rentings / media planing etc - now you don't have to download - maps of india - flat maps !
Great way to read newspaper
Graph Font

Usage of fonts in presentations/Reports etc cannot be underplayed. They give the presenter a unique opportunity to increase the aesthetic quality. It brightens up the (otherwise) boring Microsoft powerpoint presentations. I came across this - Architext font- which fits well into the graphs/Daigrams in excel - Architext-A font styled on the sort of hand lettering architects used to put on drawings back in the days when an architect could still work a pencil. you can download the same from here :
No cooling off in SMP/WMP
2.Fonterra Raises 2007 Payout on Record Prices, Output :New Zealand farmers who own the cooperative and supply its milk will get paid NZ$4.46 a kilogram for the year ended May 31 ,Fonterra's NZ$5.6 billion ($4.5 billion) payment raises the risk that spending by farmers will stoke economic growth Fonterra accounts for about 40 percent of the international trade in dairy products and almost 7 percent of New Zealand's economy.
3.High dairy prices affect Hershey's earnings :High dairy prices meant Hershey's operating margins fell to 3.1 per cent for the quarter ended 1 July, compared to 17.3 per cent for the same period in 2006.
4.Starbucks increasing drink prices:The coffee conglomerate says by July 31 prices on hand-brewed coffee will increase by nine cents. The reason: higher dairy, energy and fuel prices.
5.Britannia adds to its dairy business:Britannia, which also makes bread, cake and cheese, is test-marketing yogurt in Bangalore and will extend it to other markets soon, Vinita Bali said We're looking at extending our dairy portfolio and evaluating other opportunities,"
6.Dairy farmers peturbed over rising milk prices, Reliance Retail moves into dairy sector: Dairy officials were quoted by the Financial Express as saying that rising SMP prices have forced dairies to increase price at least three times in last one year. Reliance Retail is at present procuring 10,000 litres per day at its procurement centre in Atmakur in Nellore district. The packaging, which is outsourced, is being done at Vikarabad in Ranga Reddy district.
Have some more black Coffee
Cartels - perpetuate ' business inefficiency'
- People of the same trade seldom meet together, even for merriment and diversion, but the conversation ends in a conspiracy against the public, or in some contrivance to raise prices.
- Adam Smith, The Wealth of Nations, 1776
A survey of hundreds of published economic studies and legal decisions of antitrust authorities found that the median price increase achieved by cartels in the last 200 years is 25%. Private international cartels (those with participants from two or more nations) had an average price increase of 28%, whereas domestic cartels averaged 18%. Less than 10% of all cartels in the sample failed to raise market prices.
In general, cartel agreements are economically unstable in that there is an incentive for members to cheat by selling at below the agreed price or selling more than the production quotas set by the cartel (see also game theory). This has caused many cartels that attempt to set product prices to be unsuccessful in the long term. Empirical studies of 20th century cartels have determined that the mean duration of discovered cartels is from 5 to 8 years. However, once a cartel is broken, the incentives to form the cartel return and the cartel may be re-formed. Publicly-known cartels that do not follow this cycle include, by some accounts, the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC).
Price fixing is often practiced internationally. When the agreement to control price is sanctioned by a multilateral treaty or protected by national sovereignty, no antitrust actions may be initiated. Examples of such price fixing include oil whose price is partly controlled by the supply by OPEC countries. Also international airline tickets have prices fixed by agreement with the IATA, a practice for which there is a specific exception in antitrust law.
International price fixing by private entities can be prosecuted under the antitrust laws of more than 100 countries. Examples of prosecuted international cartels are lysine, citric acid, graphite electrodes and bulk vitamins.
Virtual Earth project,
Can commodity prices go higher?
The effect is a reported spot skimmed milk powder (SMP) price of more than £2,500/tonne, which is confirmed in reports from Dutch official prices of €3,580/tonne and yet the United Kingdom reported market price is only £2,000/tonne.
This suggests further UK price rises are to come and that the expected switch away from cheese will have started in earnest.
The effect should be commodity prices rising further and, increasingly, a reduction in cheese supply as we enter the autumn. This all points to significant price rises across the whole market in the next six months.
A note of caution for the future is that climate experts are suggesting the possibility of La Nina conditions in the Pacific this autumn, which would provide favourable conditions in Australia allowing a recovery of sorts in their drought damaged industry. A strong recovery could lead to weakening commodities in 2009.
In the meantime, these are excellent market conditions in which to draw up closer ties with customers, markets and production costs. Agreeing smart supply contracts now will help protect against future adverse market conditions.
The Market Price Equivalent (MPE) has rocketed to another new peak due to increases in skim and whole milk powders, while cheese/butter has slipped back due to a fall in whey prices. Returns are now up by 1.95 pence per litre (10 per cent) on May 2006, due to the strength in commodities, but particularly milk powders.
SMP is leading the way, up 47 per cent on the year, whereas mild cheddar is down one per cent, indicating the disparity in returns. With market returns rising, even through the May UK production peak, suggests there should be further price rises as UK production falls from the seasonal peak. The likelihood of cheese production falling over the next six months should strengthen the cheese market and allow an increase in powder production to partially satiate the commodity demand.
The strength in commodity sectors suggests the potential for a 10 per cent rise in the cheese market as milk is switched into commodities. With continued growth in world GDP and adverse weather affecting Australia for at least another production season, prices are set to remain at these high levels until 2009.
The graph of market returns, milk prices and milk deliveries shows that rolling prices are now set to improve for the next 12 months. The rolling weighted average milk price in March was down 0.6 ppl (3.3 per cent) on March 2006, the lowest level since October 2003.
The increase in the farmgate price should feed through as the year progresses, with continual up lifts as the market returns finally benefit dairy farmers. As outlined above, a significant price increase in cheese should be achieved before winter, helping to counter the increase in production costs, particularly energy and feed costs.
The weather has turned again with a wet May leading to a prevention of drought and a continuation of the recovery in production. Grass supplies will now last out June and it seems less likely that drought conditions will hamper UK production until later in the summer at the earliest.
Currently world weather is recovering from El Nino. However, if there is a sharp La Nina in the Pacific we could enter a period of prolonged wet weather similar to 1998-2003 which lead to increased world production and lower commodity values. The current commodity highs do not mean an end to volatility, only that we are on an upward price curve, the end of which we cannot yet foresee.
o The MPE is calculated from the weighted actual wholesale prices for liquid milk, cheese, butter and powders after the normal processing costs. The MPE accounts for 90 per cent of the UK market utilisation of milk.
The MPE is calculated from wholesale market values, whereas IMPE (Intervention Milk Price Equivalent) accounts for just 11 per cent of UK milk production and is effectively determined by the Council of Ministers and the prevailing exchange rate. The MPE provides a far superior indicator of the wholesale value of milk and therefore the likely market returns available to the dairy farmer.
Fantastic Graphics
Hara hachi bu !

Eating to Powerpoint slides !
The Japanese have a great expression concerning healthy eating habits: Hara hachi bu. Hara hachi bu means “Eat until 80% full” (literally, stomach 80%).

When do you know the momentum is on your side?
This is the most difficult question for a marketer – to know the ‘Tipping point’ – that you have crossed the bridge and now you have a smooth ride. How do you quantify that tipping point is so essential – is it the 100% sales growth, 25 NPDs that you chase, doubled your tonnage sales, increased your TOMA/ITP or is it the weighted distribution growth? Answer is indeed difficult.
Pushing and running
One of the most difficult transitions that marketing organizations go through is shifting from pushing against resistance to running with acceptance.
The culture at insurgent companies is all about pushing. You get turned down on sales calls, you have tiny market share, people walk away from your trade show booths. You have trouble finding suppliers and a bank loan and even employees.
So you learn to push. In fact, you may discover you start to lean against that resistance, that it becomes part of who you and your team are.
If your work is successful, you break through. You become Apple or the politician who leads in the polls. And then what?
If you're very good, you start running like crazy. You have the wind at your back and the chance to dramatically increase your impact and market share. But most organizations keep pushing. Because that's what they know how to do. Instead of running up the scoreboard, they look for something else to push against. I think the fascinating transformation at Apple is worth noting. The iPod gave them the opportunity to start running.
It's not easy.
Keynote Vs Powerpoint
this is the take of Edward Tufte
With characteristic Apple elegance, Keynote produces more gracefully designed slides than clunky PP. Keynote is useful as PP slide reader. Both Keynote and PP serve as competent Projector Operating Systems: projecting full screen color images and videos.
About 80% of the deep problems with PP, however, are also problems with Keynote since there is inherent defect in slideware: low resolution, replacing sentences with grunts, relentless sequentiality, and so on through the rest of the problems. About 80% of my essay could just as well be called The Cognitive Style of Slideware: Pitching Out Corrupts Within.
Consequently, slideware redesigns are largely futile exercises; solutions for serious technical reporting are found in good technical reports, not in the interior redecorating of slides. My essay is largely about what happens to the quality of evidence and analysis when passing through slideware. Patches for PP and slide redesigns by commercial artists cannot solve those problems for technical reports.
All history of improvements in human communication is written in terms of improvements in resolution: to produce, for viewers of evidence, more bits per unit time, and more bits per unit area. Slideware is contrary to that history. Trading in reductions in resolution for user convenience or for pitching may useful in mass market products or in commercial art, but not for technical communications. The solution is not to rescue slideware design; the solution is to use a different, better, and content-driven presentation method. On this solution, see our thread PowerPoint Does Rocket Science--and Better Techniques for Technical Reports
entire discussion is available at
Starbucks Squeezed by Dairy Prices
Starbucks Squeezed by Dairy Prices
By William Spain
CHICAGO (Dow Jones) -- Shares of Starbucks fell to a 20-month low Thursday after the coffee chain's chief financial officer said meeting the top end of its 2007 profit target will be "very challenging."
The company had set a range of earnings of 87 cents to 89 cents a share for the year, but CFO Michael Casey, speaking at a conference in Chicago, cited "rising dairy costs and soft transaction growth" as factors that are weighing on the bottom line.
Starbucks shares (SBUX) closed lower, falling $1.06, or 3.8%, to $26.26 in heavy trading volume that was roughly triple its average. The stock has been on a slow but steady skid since cracking the $40 mark late last year.
Starbucks added that it plans to open 2,400 new stores this year and is targeting 20% revenue growth and a same-store sales rise of 3% to 7%.
David Tarantino of Robert Baird cut his price target on the stock following the news while trimming his earnings per share outlook to reflect the higher cost assumptions.
"While disappointed to be lowering estimates, we maintain our outperform rating," he wrote to investors. "We believe pressure from dairy prices is a transitory issue that is masking a solid underlying outlook for [the second half].
The current valuation makes for "an attractive entry point for a compelling growth story that includes substantial long-term prospects . . . .high returns on capital, and healthy balance-sheet and cash-flow characteristics," he added.
Finally, "we expect sentiment to improve as [Starbucks] demonstrates ability to achieve good results in upcoming periods . . .despite external headwinds."
From TG... to TA
I happen to listen to a speaker who had his 50-60 odd slides filled with statistics and information which any one in the beverage category would already be having. These numbers ( population,Mkt Share) are bread and butter for a marketer, and all of them would surely have tucked them in their ‘Market Share’ folder somewhere in the notebook. I can bet some people in audience would have had these numbers on their finger tip, at least I saw 4 spelling errors and graphs with numbers all wrong. When the presentation ended the audience pummeled the speaker with some questions that indicated how prepared and well informed the audience was – since the crowd corrected the speaker on some of the numbers. Knowing your TG is not just for hawking a product; it is equally relevant for a speaker also- one should know the TA - Target Audience well.
"precipitous fall" - Expected
Panic buying hits global dairy trade
By Malcolm Burgess
Fonterra chief executive Andrew Ferrier denied that high prices would burn off demand for dairy.
"Panic buying" appears to have broken out in the global dairy trade as supply constraints ratchet prices up into uncharted territory, according to agricultural forecaster Agrifax.
The latest data from the NZX-owned rural information provider show prices for milk powders jumped 4 per cent, and butter leapt 10 per cent, in the past fortnight in US dollar terms. Some prices for skim milk powder hit almost US$5000 ($6628) a tonne - more than 2 1/2 times last decade's average of US$1900.
"There are signs of panic buying and a wide range of prices are quoted by various sources," Agrifax said. "This is totally uncharted territory."
But Fonterra chief executive Andrew Ferrier denied those giddy prices would burn off demand for dairy, insisting a small number of trades at those levels is nothing new. However he told the Business Herald the full impact on consumers would not be clear until the end of the year.
"We want to ensure that dairy prices are at a level that is not going to have a material impact on demand - we just don't know what that price level is yet."
News of the surge follows the European Union's decision last week to scrap its dairy export subsidies in a move expected to cut dwindling European dairy production further.
Demand for dairy plummeted following spikes in commodity prices in 2000 and 2001, resulting in a dramatic slump in dairy prices and reduced payout to Fonterra shareholders for the 2002 season.
But Ferrier, who heads the world's largest exporter of dairy products, says that was a result of "very different dynamics" - an oversupply of product as opposed to today's shortage.
"We think it's very different than previous cycles because global demand has been so strong, global stocks are at an all-time low and we think there is just not enough [in the way of] pricing dynamics out there to drive a substantial fall."
However he acknowledged that high prices increase supply and tend to reduce demand, so care was needed.
While Ferrier did not predict a "precipitous fall" after the boom, he expected that "over time dairy prices will soften from the current peak and settle at a more palatable level".
However in the next six to nine months he did not see much changing the current supply-demand dynamics behind the dairy boom.
The drought in Australia, increasing use of land to grow corn for biofuels in the US, and Westernised diets in rapidly developing regions such as Asia and the Middle East are driving a surge in dairy prices, and supply can't keep up with demand.
"They just need product," Agrifax founder and market analyst David Meares said. "And it's not there."
He expected the price rises would have some impact upon consumption, especially in less affluent countries.
However, he did not think there would be much impact on developed economies such as the EU and the US.
Although demand in the short term was "very inflexible", the longer-term outlook was less certain. "The consumer hasn't been tested yet," he said.
He said that since no one had predicted the meteoric rise in dairy commodity prices, forecasting when they would come down would be difficult.
If current prices hold, Fonterra's payout for the 2007/08 season could be $6 per kg of milk solids at the current rate of US75c to the kiwi dollar, and go even higher depending on Fonterra's hedging policy, Meares said. "At a US71c conversion, a payout of about $6.40 is possible."
StreetSmart-Streetview !,-73.98509&cbp=1,16.9191318327974,0.5,0&ie=UTF8&om=1&ll=40.760366,-73.984584&spn=0.006079,0.01133&z=17
Less is more is less - Patient Autonomy
285 Type of cookies
100 TV
30 VCR
75 Ice - Teas
175 salad Dressing
275 cereal
40 Tooth Paste
Is it so ? is more choice harmful ?
Choices come from extension of a services or product – where in benefits of an existing product can be ‘stretched’. When a marketer gives choice to the customer it – makes customer ‘engage’ with a product. Entire kids range of products – like beverages, biscuits works on this- engagement – ‘collectables’ – where kids are encouraged to collect different freebies with the products. And all people have there own ‘consideration set’. For Eg: Hundred’s of movies are released across the world every Friday – but we read the review of the movie that we wants to watch and watch the one we want to see.
Read the other viewpoint here
Omega 3 Story
more on Deomega :
Its all from the desert
Through government subsidies, Saudi farmers were able to import irrigation equipment to grow grain. They also imported dairy cattle from Europe, Canada, and the United States. Al Safi, which is owned by the royal family, quickly became the largest dairy in the country and then the world.
Al Safi has more than 29,000 head of Holstein-Friesian cows, which produce 122,000 gallons (462, 000 liters) of milk a day, supplying 33 percent of the kingdom's dairy market. These cows survive in temperatures that drop to freezing in the winter and soar to 115º Fahrenheit (46º Celsius) in the summer. There's no grass in the desert for them to eat, so all their food is grown on the farm. The cows' water is pumped from 6,000 feet (1,800 meters) underground. Each cow uses about 30 gallons (100 liters) a day for drinking (and cooling off) via sprinkler systems in the shed.
Milk it. Sell it. Or complain about it.
A perfect pitch? - Undercover Economist
Labels: FT, UndercoverEconomist